"Journey, it's not about where you go, where you stay, but how you enjoy it with or without friends. Be grateful" - Mine

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

#011 creativeNOTpassive

sebelum lupa, ini daftar nama anak yang magang bareng gw di Lowe Kreatif lantai 6:

  1. Bara - DKV, ISI 2005
  2. Galih - D3, Advertising UI 2009
  3. Ica - DKV, UPH 2008
  4. Andri - Advertising, San Fransisco University, 2007
  5. Hans - DKV UPH, 2008
  6. Senja - Advertising UI,  2009
  7. Buluk - DKV, ITB 2008
  8. Nasik - Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang
  9. Bella - Komunikasi UI, 2008
  10. Ugra - DKV UPH, 2008
  11. Hoho - Komunikasi UAJY, 2008
  12. Azmi - DKV ITB, 2008
  13. Stenisia - Sastra Inggris UI, 2008

Have Fun Go Mad, guys !!!