"Journey, it's not about where you go, where you stay, but how you enjoy it with or without friends. Be grateful" - Mine

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

oleh Payung Teduh

Cerita Tentang Gunung dan Laut (lirik : Ketjak, lagu : Is)
Is (vocalis)

Aku pernah berjalan di atas bukit
Tak ada air
tak ada rumput
Tanah terlalu kering untuk ditapaki
Panas selalu menghantam kaki dan kepalaku

Aku pernah berjalan di atas laut
Tak ada tanah
tak ada batu
Air selalu merayu
masuk ke dalam pelukannya

Tak perlu tertawa atau menangis
pada gunung dan laut
Karena gunung dan laut tak punya rasa

Aku tak pernah melihat gunung menangis
Biarpun matahari membakar tubuhnya
Aku tak pernah melihat laut tertawa
Biarpun kesejukan bersama tariannya

Resah (lirik : Ketjak, lagu : Is)

Aku ingin berjalan bersamamu 
Dalam hujan dan malam gelap
Tapi aku tak bisa melihat matamu

Aku ingin berdua denganmu 
Di antara daun gugur
Aku ingin berdua denganmu
Tapi aku hanya melihat keresahanmu

Aku menunggu dengan sabar di atas sini

tergoyang angin, menantikan tubuh itu

Untuk Perempuan yang Sedang di Pelukan  (lirik & lagu : Is) 

Tak terasa gelap pun jatuh
Di ujung malam menuju pagi yang
Hanya ada sedikit bintang malam ini
Mungkin karena kau sedang

Lalu mataku merasa malu
Semakin dalam, ia malu kali ini
Kadang juga ia takut tatkala harus
berpapasan di tengah pelariannya
Di malam hari menuju pagi
Sedikit cemas banyak rindunya

500 days of Summer

Ngga tau kenapa, ini jadi salah satu film cecintaan favorit gw. Padahal banyak yg bilang ceweknya brengsek, haha. Zooey Deschannel cantik banget sih disini.. siapa coba yang ngga tertarik. Tapi kasian sih cowoknya udah dibuat terlalu banyak berharap sama Zooey. It's real man...
Zooey nyanyi pas ada acara bareng di Bar

Ini pertama kalinya mereka ketemu di Lift

Disini udah mulai deket

Mata indah Zooey

Cuma ada di imajinasi tokoh cowok (kasian deh)

Mereka cool dan cantik, like this !

Sooner or Later

You know? English is not too difficult. I believe that anyone can speak English but they are only ashamed to talk. You have your mouth to speak. Just speak out in English. Later you will realize that English really realy important for your career or job.

I have a story about a man who regrets his ability in English. I met this man when I was going to Jogja last month. I sat beside him in Santoso Bus, destination Jakarta-Jogja. He talked too much along our journey. He shared his experiences in his works as an art director in one of famous advertising agency in Jakarta named BBDO.

He told to me that he had worked as creative director for years at this agency. Whenever he promoted to be associate director, which is one level higher than creative director, he rejected the promotion. And  You know what is the reason? The reason is just because he is lack of speaking English.

His agency is a multinational company. Therefore, it's a must for everyone who is in high level position can speak English fluently. His company understands his reason and until he resigned his job in this agency, he hasn't ever want to take that promotion.

When he knew that I'm an English Literature student, he said to me that your choice is good. English is needed everywhere. You can learn anything but if you can't speak English, you will be one level lower than who could speak English. His statement is really entertain me who is worrying about future career. He also told me that whatever the job, as long as you like it, just go with it. Do not ever do things that you don't understand well. So, if you want to have a job, learn more about it before you take it. I think, my father never said like that to me but God sent me this man to told me like that. It was so surprising to hear that. Thanks, sir for the advices... see you next time